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In India, we were lucky to meet a wonderful person and a very good ayurvedic physician (vaidya) Dr. Deepak Kumar. We heard about him for a long time, but could not meet him earlier.

So, Dr. Deepak Kumar is the continuer of the dynasty of Ayurvedic doctors. And not just doctors. His father and grandfather were known in the north of India as experts in Ayurveda. And Dr. Deepak became a worthy successor of this dynasty. He is one of the best specialists in Ayurveda in India.

At the same time, he remains simple and very enjoyable in communication person and lives according to the principles that the Vaidyas have professed for thousands of years. Every day without weekends, he accepts in his office all indiscriminately people who need his help. He does not charge for accepting money. Each patient donates the amount that he can. And those who do not have money - just thanks. A real ayurvedic doctor - Vaidya never sets prices for his work - only donations. We even happened to be a witness of how the doctor did not sell very expensive medicines to one patient, which she wanted to buy, explaining how to achieve the desired result with the help of Pranayama and Yoga.

Enterprise Adarsh ​​Ayurvedic pharmacy was founded in 1947 by Ayurveda Shastri Sri Lallu Ji - grandfather of Dr. Deepak. In ayurvedic medicine it has always been accepted that every doctor makes medicines himself - only in this case he can be completely sure that they are qualitative and will act as needed. So, Dr. Deepak uses only the preparations made at his enterprise.

At the first meeting, Dr. Deepak surprised us a lot, saying that the result of taking the medicines should appear in the shortest possible time. This strongly contradicted our idea that the average course of Ayurveda treatment is 3-6 months.

What is the feature of it? Many madicines of Adarsh ​​Ayurvedic are made from pure herbal extracts (Ghan). Each such "tablet" contains only the evaporated extract of the plants, used it formulation. Accordingly, the effectiveness of these medicines is an much more high.

Of course, Adarsh ​​Ayurvedic is not the only producer of this type of medicines, but we know for sure that the quality and effectiveness of the products for Dr. Deepak will always come first. And we are glad that we were able to bring exactly these medicines for you.

P.S. Now Dr. Deepak Kumar participates in a series of programs dedicated to Ayurveda on national television. You can watch the recording of the programs (though in Hindi) in Youtube.

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