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Migraines or half-headaches are the result of today's disorganized life.  In which we are unable to pay regular attention to our food.  The biggest reason is the life of Bhagdaur.  Which is full of stress but we do not take any measures to get rid of it.  These are the only reasons why migraine slowly starts to change.  As soon as you reach a stressful environment from a normal state, then your headaches first increase. Migraines are also called colloquial in common language.

Causes and symptoms
The person gets this disease as a result of other diseases like- Najla, cold, suffering from other body parts, chronic constipation etc.  Apart from this, this disease can be caused due to disturbances in menstruation in women.  Apart from this, half of the head ache can also be caused due to blindness in the eyes.  Migraine is basically a neurological problem.  While living in it, there is a very prickly pain in one side of the head.  It lasts from a few hours to three days.  There may be problems like gastric, nausea, vomiting along with headache.  Migraines can also be complained of some minor reasons like not getting enough sleep, staying hungry, and not drinking enough water.  Allergies can also cause migraines and different people may have different reasons for allergies.  For some people food and drink also become allergic.

Almond is beneficial in migraine
Almonds are very beneficial for migraine patients.  Consuming 10-12 pieces of almonds daily is considered beneficial.  Almond eliminates diseases related to the brain at the root.

Almonds are also a good source of protein, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and fiber.  Magnesium can effectively combat various migraine activations as it regulates blood sugar and blood pressure levels.  A dose of 500 mg of magnesium in your diet can help treat migraine attacks effectively.

20 grams of raw almonds contain high quality protein, which is the third of the essential amino acids.  Head of almond oil

Massage also provides relief.  Those who do not have time to eat almonds should sleep at night while putting 5-5 drops of almond rogan in both of their nacos.  With this you will get relief from this terrible disease in a few days.

Those who have excess bile in blood should not eat almonds.
Yoga and meditation are the surest medicine for migraine.  If you cannot do yoga then do exercise.  This will reduce your stress.  And with less stress, your depression will go away.

02/02/2020 2349